Bat Week 2020: Pollinating Bats of Peninsular Malaysia

Did you know that Peninsular Malaysia is home to at least 6 different bat species that are known to pollinate flowers???

A lot of people think of bats as using echolocation instead of eyesight to catch insect prey for food. However, in Malaysia we have fruit bats (Family Pteropodidae), who don’t echolocate but are equipped with large eyes and a keen sense of smell to home in on yummy fruits and nectar.

Many of our tropical plants such as durian (Durio zibethinus), petai (Parkia speciosa), wild bananas (Musa spp.), perepat (Sonneratia alba) and berembang (Sonneratia caseolaris) actually depend on fruit/nectar bats for successful pollination and fruit production!

Artistic impressions by Vietnamese artist Dao Van Hoang

Facebook: @dao.v.hoang.3
Instagram: @vanhoang_dao
Twitter: @daovanhoang

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